Thamara-Afil Amergan-Faolin (Tam)

Tam is a gay man in his mid-twenties who comes from the planet Zemitis from the Kashtiloth System in a far corner of the Messier 100 Galaxy. He is a practical and somewhat naive man who dreams of escaping Zemetis. His desire is to go to Alorion, which is in the same system as his planet. He believes that life would be safer for him there - even under Senate rule. He has a university degree in technology, but has been forced to work as a garbage collector due to his family being in an internment camp. He must hide his sexuality as he is in constant in fear of the Magistrate Kruger II, who seeks out gay men to imprison them, as they are seen as degenerates to be used as experiments. In the distant past, gay men had been mysteriously genetically altered, allowing them to be mind readers and telekinetic. Kruger wishes to exploit these men to his advantage. Tam is forced to be a reluctant hero and goes on a journey that may ultimately take his life as well as the life of the man he loves.
Brogan-Afil Faolin-Amergan

Brogan is a man in his mid-twenties who comes from the planet Kashtiloth, which is the governing planet of the system in the Kashtiloth system in a far corner of the Messier 100 Galaxy. Brogan is a carefree and fun-loving man who sometimes gets into trouble because he says what he thinks. He is adventurous despite having to hide from the Senate, due to his parents being involved in a covert group of freedom fighters against the Senate’s rule under the iron fist of Kruger II. Brogan has spent most of his adult life running from city to city and getting involved with space pirates. Brogan met Tam in a cafe on Alorion and they fell in love almost immediately. Tam and Brogan were joined as a Life-Line by the Siren Sisters and they settled down on a farm in the mountains. Brogan’s adventurous nature gets him into trouble and he is arrested for being a gay man right in front of Tam, who becomes lost without his love. Brogan is imprisoned on Corustloth, the prison world and his connection to Tam has been severed by drugs. He must endure torture and experimentation, holding out that someone might rescue him.
Anghelloise the Siren

Anghelloise is a very active member of the Siren Sisters. She is intelligent and resourceful as she is able to repair Siren technology. Anghelloise is also an expert pilot, able to utilize shuttles and various spaceships at the Sirens’ disposal. She has an impish sense of humour and loves to laugh. Her loyalty to the Sisters and to the Life-Lines that they unite is second to none. Anghelloise loves to dress in flashy clothes whenever possible. She spends a lot of time guiding Tam and Brogan in their unification, settling into their farm in the Montooth Mountains and keeping their Life-Line a secret from the Senate and the malicious Kruger II, the Magistrate. Little is known of Anghelloise’s past as she keeps this to herself. What is known is her incredible ability to read minds, trick the enemies of the Sirens, keeping the location of the Sirens a secret and to sing unparalleled siren songs.
Captain Farthing the Pirate

Captain Farthing is a warrior who was originally designed as a fighting machine. He was genetically altered by Kruger I, the first Magistrate and later hunted by Kruger II. His size and stature were increased to almost twice the size of other men. The pain of enduring the endless operations caused Farthing to come to hate what he had become. He escaped his captures and was taken in by the Siren Sisters and a band of space pirates that were in league with the Sirens. Farthing became the captain of a starship and worked as part of the Lambda Infinity Omega League working with the Siren Sisters to free the oppressed gay men of the system. Despite his large and menacing look, Farthing is actually a very kind and gentle soul who only fights when it is necessary to save those who are important to him.
Bennett Davis

Bennett Davis is a mentalist trainee. He is in his late twenties and lives on the Order’s world on the other side of the Messier 100 Galaxy. He is tasked with mentally seeking out a mentalist on the far side of the Galaxy in order to determine whether he holds the key to finding the origins of the human species. The person he is asked to follow is Tam, who is stowed away on a spaceship. The leader of the Order, Father, has requested Bennett to come out of his training in order to determine what Tam is doing. Bennett wonders why he is being asked to do advanced work for a mentalist since he is a trainee. Father says little about Bennett’s task other than its a clue worth following. Bennett comes to know a lot of Tam as he sees the world through his eyes and is deeply affected by what he sees.
Father of the Order

Father is a wise older man who is the leader of the Order. He tends to be rather distant from Bennett, maintaining his professional beliefs separate from his personal ones. Father has been celibate for many years and is heterosexual. He has known that gay men are mind readers, but there are also heterosexual mind readers as well. Father has been working hard to find the origins of the human species. The location of their origins has been lost in time and records in the Messier Galaxy do not tell much of the migration to their Galaxy and from where. Father suspects that Tam has something of importance, but he himself, cannot access Tam’s mind for some reason. He suspects that Bennett has a special ability that has not yet been determined.
Mother Siren

Mother is the leader of the Siren Sisters. She has been Mother for many years and is quite old but still very spry. She has a dry sense of humour, but also has a very serious side. Her goal is to unify as many gay men together in a Life-Line relationship as possible. Her reason is her own and does not share what that is - other than her number one goal of finding humanity’s origins - which must include the gay men that she joins. Mother is the siren who begins the unification process when two gay men come to be be mated in a Life-Line. She is an incredible singer who is joined by many other sirens to unify gay men such as Tam and Brogan. She understands the danger of Kruger II ruling as Magistrate and has to send one of her beloved joined gay men, Tam, to try and save his partner and perhaps all the gay men imprisoned. She senses an urgency and things must change quickly and this may cause the death of Tam and Brogan as a result. Mother is thankful for her sisters and the pirates lead by Captain Farthing as they prepare for a dangerous and potentially disastrous time.
Kruger II - The Magistrate

Kruger is the unquestioned ruler of the entire Kashtiloth System, which he rules with an iron fist. He came to power by devious methods over his father to become Magistrate and the leader of the Senate. The members of the Senate are basically his puppets as he has power through the military might of the system. He has continued his father’s genetic experiments using the gay men that he captures and sends to Corustloth, the prison world. He is also on the hunt for Captain Farthing, who was a genetic experiment completed by his Father. Farthing has been a thorn in Kruger’s side, pirating ships and destroying Senate property. Kruger has been hunting Farthing for almost ten years, but never succeeded. Kruger is clearly an insane psychopath, making him an extremely dangerous man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants - once he figures out who, what and where the Siren Sisters are, which he sees as witches to be destroyed.
Kruger is the unquestioned ruler of the entire Kashtiloth System, which he rules with an iron fist. He has continued his father’s genetic experiments using the gay men that he captures and sends to Corustloth, the prison world. Kruger is clearly an insane psychopath, making him an extremely dangerous man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants - once he figures out who, what and where the Siren Sisters are, which he sees as witches to be destroyed.
Kruger is the unquestioned ruler of the entire Kashtiloth System, which he rules with an iron fist. He has continued his father’s genetic experiments using the gay men that he captures and sends to Corustloth, the prison world. Kruger is clearly an insane psychopath, making him an extremely dangerous man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants - once he figures out who, what and where the Siren Sisters are, which he sees as witches to be destroyed.
Artagan Mangrouph-Charon, the first

There is little known about Artagan. His past seems to be hidden purposefully. He is in his early thirties and has been a member of the Senate run research team. He was also a cook on a starship. Rumours have it that he is gay but is totally unable to admit to his sexual identity. Instead, he seeks ways of uncovering information about gay men and their whereabouts. Another issue that is unknown is whether he has mental abilities. One thing is known, however, that Artagan is a devious and intelligent man with his own agenda.
Commander Jennifer O’Keeffe

Commander Jennifer O’Keeffe is second in command on Captain Farthing’s ship. She is an expert shuttle pilot as well as a starship navigator. She holds degrees in starship mechanics and navigation in curved space. Whenever Captain Farthing is off-ship, O’Keefe becomes the acting captain. Jennifer joined Captain Farthing’s team because her gay brother was killed in the hunts for gay men on Kashtiloth. She swore her allegiance to the Lambda Infinity Omega League in honour of her brother. She has never married as she has had little time to seek a man to her liking. She supports all of her gay friends and crew members as their ally and vows to never stop fighting for gay rights.
Cassiopeia Amergan (Cassie)

Cassiopeia (Cassie) is the younger sister of Tam. She was too young to remember when the Senate kicked her family out of their home and sent them to an internment camp. Many former people with technical backgrounds were treated like the Amergan family. The Senate, with the Magistrate as the ruler, had determined that they wish to “dumb down” the masses to prevent revolts. Tam and Cassie’s parents have basically given up and accepted their fate to live in an internment camp. Tam, or course, wishes to escape. Cassie doesn’t remember much about arriving in the internment camp so she has come to see this is her way of life. She is very upset when she finds out Tam will be leaving. She worries that Tam may not come back to her again.
Professor Hartman

Professor Hartman is a former professor from the University of the Learnèd. He was ousted when the Senate raided all of universities and closed them down. The Senate’s goal was to dumb down the population, thereby making them easier to control. Any dissenters would quietly disappear. The Professor’s life changed substantially and for years he worked on mine tailings and testing for minerals - a job well below his capabilities. Professor Hartman is now in his 70’s and meets up with Tam quite a few years after Tam’s graduation. It is he who gives Tam some important advice. He helps his former student by giving him a chance to find a new way and for his sister, Cassie as well. Professor Hartman is an important figure in Tam’s history as Tam received his technology degree under the Professor, before it was shut down. He now works on Zemetis and is in the same internment camp as Tam’s family.